Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Fry a finely-chopped onion in a large saucepan. Chop some Pastrami into fine slices and add to the pan. We use about 7 to 8oz. Stir and fry a while to let the flavor of the Pastrami come out.

Add a couple of chopped tomatoes and cook until the juice starts to come out.

Add a jug of stock, salt to taste, a healthy squirt of tomato ketchup and a dash of HP sauce for extra flavor. Stir in a can of drained red kidney beans, a similar quantity of finely-diced carrots, and a few handfuls of macaroni.

Bring to the boil, cover and simmer until the pasta, carrots and beans are cooked.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Baked and breaded chicken

I think this started as a camping dish, but it comes out once in a while at home for a change. A favorite with the kids.

Lay out chicken pieces on a baking tray. Coat with a few generous dollops of mayonnaise. Sprinkle a mixture of breadcrumbs and grated Parmesan over the top. Pop in the oven and bake until the chicken is cooked (about 40 minutes).