Something I used to make often, but haven't in a long while now. A more detailed post over on my other blog here, but the basics are as follows:
Fry a finely-chopped onion in about 4oz butter. When it's soft, add a few chopped cloves of garlic and 1lb liver. We usually use lamb's liver, but chick or beef will also do.
Once the liver changes color, add 1/2 pint of stock and seasoning (salt, black pepper, and a generous dash of Italian seasoning). Bring to the boil, cover, and then simmer gently for a couple of hours. You need the liver soft, and the stock reduced to a thick sludge.
Blend, add a dash of cream - just enough to make a thick paste - and blend again. Pour into a bowl, leave to cool, then refrigerate until set.